Albert Michler Rum

Albert Michler Rum use only “pure Jamaican & Trinidad molasses” and is produced from continuous and pot still distillation and is then matured for up to two years in white oak barrels.

The white & overproof rum is commonly used in mixed drinks. It is also a common cooking ingredient in a variety of both sweet and savory recipes. The dark rum is a blend of high ester pot still rums from Jamaica – Hampden Distillers in Jamaica and New Yarmouth in Jamaica, aged in American and French oak barrels. Rum requires a minimum of 5 years aging, is a blend of Rums which can be aged upwards of 25 years. However, the amount of substantially aged Rum in a blend is almost always very small. Take it for what it is… a rum intended for mixing. Good for tropical drinks, boat drinks, colas – just as you like rum.

Jamaica Dark Rum

This Dark Rum has a unique personality, produced using only pure Jamaican molasses, followed by Continuous and Pot Still distillation, and aging up to 5 years in white oak barrels. Albert Michler Dark Rum is readily used in luxury mixed drinks. Perfectly suited to be enjoyed at room temperature or on ice. It is also a common cooking ingredient in a variety of both sweet and savory recipes. Dark Rum differs from Gold in that some residual molasses is retained in the final product, in order to slightly sweeten the flavor.

Colour Mahagoni
Nose Vanilla and toasted woods
Palate Incomparable fusion of flavors, which include molasses, grapes and aged woods
Finish Well balanced and persistent
Origin Jamaica
Distillery Hampden Distillers & New Yarmouth
Age 1-5 years old
ABV 45% by vol
Content 700 ml
Mixes Rum & Ginger • Rum & Coke • Planter’s Punch

{ Silver } International Rum Conference Madrid 2016
{ Bronze } BRC / Barcelona Rum Congress 2017
{ Gold } VRA / Vienna R(h)um Award 2023


Overproof Rum

Since 1863 the name “Albert Michler Rum“ has been recognised as the finest, full-bodied white rum, produced in Jamaica & Trinidad. Albert Michler Rum is manufactured in a traditional method and matured in small white oak barrels for a short time It is this final short aging period that decides on fineness and characteristic taste and flavor. Smooth, delicious with a light sweet powerful body. Mixes well for any punches and makes the best Tiki and Caribbean Drinks.

Colour Clear
Nose Fruity notes of molasses and spices
Palate The palate is fruity and a little spicy
Finish The finish is long and spiced
Origin Jamaica & Trinidad
Distillery Hampden & Angostura Distillery
Age 1-3 years, colour filtered
ABV 63% by vol
Content 700 ml
Mixes Mai Tai • Daiquiri • Piña Colada

{ GOLD } International Rum Conference Madrid 2016
{ Silver } German Rum Festival Berlin 2016
{ Bronze } BRC / Barcelona Rum Congress 2017

Artisanal White Rum

Since 1863 the name “Albert Michler Rum“ has been recognized as the finest, full-bodied white rum, produced in Jamaica & Trinidad. Albert Michler Rum rum is manufactured in a traditional method and matured in small white oak barrels for a short time. It is this final short aging period that decides on fineness and characteristic taste and flavour.

Colour Clear
Nose The nose is fruity
Palate The palate is fruity and a little spirity, there are notes of banana and Demerara as well as spice and a little oak
Finish The finish is long and spiced
Origin Jamaica and Trinidad
Distillery Hampden & Angostura Distillery
Age 1-3 years, colour filtered
ABV 40% by vol
Content 700 ml

{ Silver } German Rum Festival Berlin 2016

Albert Michler Rum

Cocktails Below



Albert Sour

4 cl Albert Michler Jamaica Dark Rum
2 cl lime juice
3 cl mango + passion fruit puree
1 cl sugar syrup
egg white
Angostura bitters splash

Jamaica Orange

4 cl Albert Michler Jamaica Dark Rum
4 cl orange fresh
2 cl caramel syrup
1 cl lime juice

Alberts Tai

2 cl Albert Michler Jamaica Dark Rum
2 cl Albert Michler Overproof Rum 63%
2 cl Amaretto Liquore
2 cl Peach Liquore
2 cl sugar syrup
1 cl lime juice

Strong Mango

4 cl Albert Michler Overproof Rum 63%
2 cl mango + passion fruit puree
1 cl sugar syrup
1 cl lime juice


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